We’re going to be closing the doors this coming Sunday AND Monday for Thanksgiving celebrations, or whatever passes for Thanksgiving celebration at James’ house.  We’ll be back at it again on Tuesday October 11th. For all of you, have a great long weekend, and don’t feel bad if your family gathering turns out like the one below…

2-T50-T3-1500 nach H.Bosch, Die Auster nach: Bosch, Hieronymus       um 1450 - 1516. 'Die Auster'. Kupferstich, 1562, von Pieter van der Heyden (um 1530 - 1572) nach Bosch. Amsterdam, Rijksprentenkabinet. E: after H.Bosch, The Oyster / engraving after: Bosch, Hieronymus        ca.1450 - 1516. 'The Oyster'. Copper engraving, 1562, by Pieter van der Heyden (ca.1530 - 1572) after Bosch. Amsterdam, Rijksprentenkabinet.