A bar, some oysters, and a witty, story-laden, leather-handed shucker make any occasion a memorable event. From backyard bbq to black-tie, our Oyster Bar service brings something unique to any occasion where people gather. All walks of life are mesmerized by the mollusk, and our knowledgeable shuckers know just how to turn the crustacean-chaste into shellfish shells!
Included with the Oyster Bar

- East and West Coast Canadian Choice Oysters as well as the best around the world!
- Table & Basket Presentation or a Boat Presentation
- Condiments include lemons and freshly grated horseradish
- Rodney’s Finest Shucker
- Rustic seaside decor
Rodney’s Famous House Sauces
- Shallot Vinaigrette
- Seawitch Seafood Sauce
- Johnny Reb’s Espanola Hot Sauce
- White Boy Soul Sauce
- Back from Hell Sauce
Reach Us By Phone Or Email:
Phone: (403) 460-0026 ext. 224
Or email for more information