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Author: Bronwen Clark


The House will be closed on Monday, October 12th so the Crew can spend time being thankful. We’ll be back again on Tuesday at 11:30 am sharp! World Shucking Championships update – Eamon Clark placed third at this year’s event (top 3 two years in a row, but the Winner’s Plate still proving elusive under…

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One of the nicest Oysters we see all year is the Lameque, coming from Miscou in NE New Brunswick.  The larger body of water is the Baie de Chaleur (Bay of Heat, ahh), but in fact, the Lameque oyster is about as cold-water as an oyster can get.  Any colder, and the oyster cannot reproduce,…

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Late August Blues…

Air’s cooling down, not cold, but maybe you think about bringing a sweater if you’re out of the House late … Late August is always depressing, because those first cooler days mean that the warm nights, shorts-and-tshirt weather, will soon be over for another year.  For those of you who send others to school, there may be an…

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Closed on August 3, and “What’s a Kaipara Oyster?”

We’re closed August 3.  That’s a Monday. “Civic Holiday.” Unimaginatively named. As we slip into High Summer, we start to see “Spat,” that reproductive character, come onto our Oysters.  Spat gives an Oyster a softer and creamier texture, and a slightly nutty finish. Nothing inherently wrong with it (in fact, some of our customers love…

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As the Latins said, “Carpe Shuck’em!” Loosely translated, it means “Hold and open,” and was used as a shouted toast before serious, orgy-level drinking began (“Hold” the amphora, and “Open” your mouth). On July 19th, we’re taking “Carpe Shuck’em” to the next level, with the 27th annual Ontario Oyster Festival and George Carr Pre-memorial Southern…

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Next week is Canada Day. We’re going to be closed on Monday June 29, and open for business on Wednesday July 1st with our normal business hours.  Celebrate your Patriotism by eating something that has no conception of human constructs like national geography, date or country border! The unassuming Oyster doesn’t concern itself with what are, to an…

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